Thursday, May 27, 2010

June NOT Looking so Good............

I added a photo as a peaceful introduction...........Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' in the foreground....

What is wrong in June you say.........?
The humidity is coming back............trying to catchup with the heat.......

We have to perform for the big Deans at work on June 2nd.... they are extra cranky since they are getting a new boss in June.......the blood will flow......

I get to "teach the teachers" on June half day teaching them how to teach ag am I supposed to do that one..........? Then again anything will will only take a week or so to prepare for that......

No watering schedule is getting least the gardens are dying down....

Then there is the diet thing............if every month was May I would be 4 times much to eat and so little time.........definitely too much of a good thing.......many good things.........

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